Key Information
Feedback and Data Requests
Last updated on 11 April 2019.
To protect the jurisdictional claim to area (up to 200 nautical miles) surrounding the Marshall Islands.
Species of Concern: Multiple
Regulations Summary
Fishing restrictions, such as bag limits, seasons, and size restrictions may apply. Please consult the local fishing laws for more information. The following is a list of some of the restrictions that apply in the waters of the Marshall Islands:
- No person shall use, permit to be used or attempt to use any chemical, poison or noxious substance or material whether of manufactured or natural origin, any dynamite or explosive substance or device, for the purpose of killing, taking, stunning, stupefying or disabling fish or in any way rendering fish more easily caught. No person shall carry with them or place in the water or assist in placing in the water any of the above substances.
- No hawksbill turtles or sea turtles shall be taken or intentionally killed while on shore, nor shall their eggs be taken. No hawksbill turtle shall be taken or killed except for subsistence fishing and where its shell is at least twenty-seven inches when measured over the top of the carapace shell lengthwise.
- No green turtle shall be taken or killed except for certain purposes, including subsistence fishing and where its shell is at least thirty-four inches when measured over the top of the carapace shell lengthwise.
- No sponges artificially planted or cultivated shall be taken or molested, except by permission of the Authority.
- No pinctada margarztfera, commonly known as black-lip mother of pearl oyster shell, shall be taken from August 1 to December 31. No such shell may be taken if it is less than four inches in diameter as measures across the nacre, except for scientific purposes.
- Except as otherwise permitted, taking trochus, or any intentional or reckless interference with the growth of trochus is prohibited.
- No person shall introduce any live fish into these waters without a proper permit.
- No person shall use for fishing or have on board a vessel any net, the mesh size of which does not conform to the minimum mesh size for that type of net as required or prescribed pursuant to this Title. No vessel shall be used for driftnet fishing activities.
- Commercial shark fishing is prohibited as a target fishery. No person shall catch, capture or intentionally engage in fishing for shark or any part thereof or intentionally remove the fins or tail of any shark or otherwise mutilate or injure any shark, with exceptions. Any shark that is inadvertently caught or captured must be immediately released, whether the shark is dead or alive, even if caught as bycatch. No person shall possess, receive, sell, transfer, store or have on board or transship any shark, shark fins or any other parts of shark.
Fishing in accordance with local laws is allowed.