Key Information
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Last updated on 29 August 2018.
To protect shark populations, which are especially vulnerable to overfishing due to their slow growth and reproduction rates and are susceptible to accidental bycatch as well as targeted fishing, most notably shark finning.
Species of Concern: Sharks
Regulations Summary
1. Catching, capturing or intentionally engaging in fishing for shark or any part thereof or intentionally removing the fins or the tail of any shark or otherwise mutilating or injuring sharks is prohibited.
2. Using wire leaders (or trace wires) is prohibited.
3. All fishing vessels must land their catch at one of the Marshall Islands' ports. Sea transfers are prohibited.
4. No shark shall be retained even if caught as bycatch, whether dead or alive.
Fishing for shark for subsistence purposes is permitted provided that no person shall take sharks that have been declared as protected species and take is within established catch limits. Other fishing is allowed in accordance with local fishing laws