Key Information
Feedback and Data Requests
Last updated on 31 January 2023.
To protect the natural environment of Mexico.
Species of Concern: Multiple
Regulations Summary
Fishing restrictions, such as bag limits, seasons, and size restrictions apply. Please consult the local fishing laws for more information. The following is a list of some of the restrictions that apply in Mexican waters:
- It is illegal to capture and maintain alive any fish for ornamental purposes.
-It is prohibited to receive any financial gain from the product obtained through sportfishing.
- It is prohibited to dump trash, litter or substances that harm the aquatic flora or fauna, whether on lakes, river banks, shores or oceanic waters.
-It is prohibited to collect shells, corals, sea anemones and snails, or to disturb the original ecosystem/environment.
- It is prohibited to practice sportfishing 250 meters or less from swimmers.
- It is prohibited to use artificial lighting to attract large quantities of fish.
- It is prohibited to possess firearms in Mexican waters.
- Fish caught under a sportfishing license may not be filleted aboard the vessel from which it was caught.
- Persons fishing for lobster must adhere to the NOM-006-SAG​​PESC-2016, which regulates the exploitation of all lobster species in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea, as well as the Pacific Ocean including the Gulf of California.
The following systems, methods, techniques and fishing equipment are prohibited for commercial fishing, sport-recreation, experimental and domestic consumption:
- The installation or construction of any type of works or water flow control systems to shut down, partially or temporarily, coastal lagoons or marshes, as well as to interrupt or obstruct the free flow of water in the mouths, channels or estuaries that serve as a connection between the coastal lagoons and the sea or between them for the purpose of fishing or aquaculture management of some aquatic species of crustaceans, molluscs or fish, except in cases authorized by the Secretariat, without prejudice to Applicable laws, based on the technical opinion of the National Fisheries Institute.
- The use of individual lightning rods or lumbar sprayers in the following areas: In breeding and refuge areas of lakes and continental reservoirs based on the technical opinion of the National Institute of Fisheries, this provision exempts the catch of charale and areas and times authorized by the Secretariat in accordance with the specific rules for fishing in those water bodies; or in lagoon-estuarine systems associated with the use of food attractants, a technique known as purineo.
- The installation or use of flakes or pockets of current for the capture of living aquatic organisms in lagoon-estuarine systems, mouths and mouths connected with the sea, except those authorized by the Secretariat, without prejudice to applicable laws.
- The use of beach hammocks in coastal lagoons, estuaries, mouths, reef areas and beaches with rocky bottoms.
- The use of trawl nets in bays and lagoon-estuarine systems, aimed at fishing any species, except in cases that expressly authorize the Secretariat based on the technical opinion of the National Fisheries Institute.
- The use of dredges and trawls for fishing of aquatic organisms that inhabit the bottoms.
- Any capture system which, through the suction method, is intended to capture living organisms of aquatic flora and fauna. Excepted from this provision is the operation of pumps to carry on board seiners the product retained in the purse seines.
- The use of explosives and toxic substances, such as chlorine, cyanide, bean milk and other toxic substances, as well as their transportation on fishing vessels.
- The use of balanced feed as an industrialized powdered food attractant or pellet (technique known as purineo), in waters under federal jurisdiction.
- The application of the technique commonly known as corraleo and pantaneo exclusively in inland water bodies, lagoon-estuarine systems and coastal zones of federal jurisdiction, except in cases authorized by the Secretariat based on the opinion Technique of the National Fisheries Institute.
- The use of the technique known as motoreo in estuarine lagoon systems, inland water reservoirs, lakes and rivers of federal jurisdiction.
The method of collecting molluscs, known as low tide by means of which abalone and clam are extracted in the peninsula of Baja California, except for the species claw foot mule (Anadara tuberculosa) and rusty clam (Chione californiensis ).
- The use of nets and longlines in coral reefs.
- Hooks, slingshots and harpoons for octopus capture in marine waters off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, except where it is impossible to use other equipment or fishing techniques in accordance with the technical opinion of the National Fisheries Institute.
- The use of longlines or hook sets ('cimbras') in vessels for recreational sport fishing.
- The method of fishing with harpoons and gigs from the shore, from boats, or by the technique of diving with compressor (hookah) in marine waters and inland water bodies, except in the cases authorized by the Secretariat based on the technical opinion of the National Fisheries Institute.
Fishing in accordance with Mexican law is allowed.