Key Information
Feedback and Data Requests
Last updated on 30 April 2019.
To protect vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs), which are generally defined as assemblages of marine benthic organisms which are susceptible to anthropogenic disturbance, especially that arising from the impact of fishing gear used in bottom fishing. In many cases, the slow growth rates and fragility of the species associated with such ecosystems (i.e. VME taxa) make the organisms particularly vulnerable to adverse impacts of bottom fishing.
Species of Concern: Multiple
Regulations Summary
Directed fishing of Dissostichus eleginoides is prohibited in these waters, except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands.
The prohibition shall apply until at least such time that a survey of stock biomass is carried out in the specified area, its results reported to, and analysed by, the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment and a decision that the area be reopened to directed fishing for that taxon is made by the Commission based on the advice of the Scientific Committee.
The prohibition shall not apply to the taking of the specified taxa for the purpose of scientific research in accordance with Conservation Measure 24-01.