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To establish national maritime boundaries.
Species of Concern: multiple
Regulations Summary
Saudi Arabia has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of these waters. Fishing restrictions, such as bag limits, seasons, and size restrictions apply.
Artisanal fishermens' boats:
1. Trawling may not be operated at depths above 15 m;
- The engines used should not exceed 250 hp. at most;
- Fishing techniques and nets must not be used if they cause harm to marine sprats and fish stock in general (shrimp fishing trawlers excepted).
- It shall be unlawful to employ prohibited fishing techniques harmful to living aquatic resources such as explosives, chemical and poisonous substances and electrical means.
- It is prohibited to install fishing nets near the coasts utilizing the tide and ebb of the waves to capture fish and other aquatic organisms.
- Fishing and installing nets near petroleum, military and industrial establishments shall be prohibited.
- It shall be unlawful to employ gillnets whose meshes are less than 2.5 in. excluding the nets used for sardines provided the meshes are not under: 1 inch for the two wings of the net; 0.5 inch for the body of the net. The above nets should be used only at the seasons when sardines are available. The following mesh measurements are used for shrimp fishing: not under 2.5 inches for the wings of the net; not under 1 inch for the body.
2. Modern fishing boats:
- Boats may not be over 15 m in length and their horsepower may not exceed 250 hp.
- The owner of such a boat should be a Saudi national;
- No fisherman shall have more than one modern fishing boat which is over 12 m long;
- The pilot of the boat should be qualified and be familiar with the territorial waters of the Kingdom.
Please consult the local fishing laws, some of which are referenced on this page, for more information.
Ships of all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea. Please consult local laws for information on allowed activities.