Key Information
Feedback and Data Requests
To protect, conserve and restore species, habitats, biodiversity and ecological processes which may be adversely affected as a result of human activities or otherwise.
Species of Concern: green sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, greater crested tern, Arabian humpback whale, whale shark, sunfish, guitarfish
Regulations Summary
The following activities shall be prohibited in the AIMPA-Balochistan:
1. Hunting, shooting, trapping, killing or capturing of, and injury to any crustaceans, corals, mammals, sharks, turtles, whales, mobulids, whale sharks, sunfish, guitarfish, sea birds, including all other species declared as endangered species;
2. Fishing, hunting, shooting, trapping, killing, capturing with methods such as use of explosive, electric current, poisons and chemical and use of spear gun and scuba gun;
3. Constructing or erecting any temporary or permanent structure;
4. No scuba diving, snorkelling, cliff jumping, jet skiing, sailing or power boating, surfing or sport fishing shall be allowed in the AIMPA-Balochistan without prior permission of the competent authority;
5. Doing any other act which may disturb any element of ecosystem or damage any feeding and breeding places of any marine or terrestrial species;
6. Any act, which is prohibited under Section 34 (8) of the Balochistan Wildlife Act XV of 2014;
7. Permission for any of above will be subject to permitted scope of CBD.
Additionally, in accordance with Section 34 (8) of the Balochistan Wildlife Act XV of 2014, in all Protected Areas, no person shall:
1. Introduce any exotic, invasive or alien species of flora or fauna or GMO provided that the owner of a Private Game Reserve may keep suitable exotic species of game animals with permission from the authorized officer and under such conditions as may be prescribed;
2. Pollute and poison water or divert it for cultivation or any other use;
3. Damage, vandalize, alter, counterfeit, deface or displace boundary marks, enclosures, transects, infrastructure, visitor facilities, water points or any such other structure or facility found or created in a Protected Area;
4. Leave domestic sewage or industrial effluents;
5. Quarry stones; explore and exploit oil and gas, mine; undertake blasting or any other development work that is not compatible with the management objectives of a Protected Area and is prohibited therein;
6. Enter the Core Zone and sensitive areas, which are closed to visitors, notwithstanding whether the same are signposted or not;
7. Any other act that the Government may decide to prohibit in any management category of or in any individual Protected Area at any time and notify the same in the official Gazette;
8. No organization, outfit or individual shall conduct any research in the Government Managed Protected Areas, without prior permission of an authorized officer.
The AIMPA-Balochistan shall be accessible to the public for recreation, education, subject to the restrictions as and when prescribed by the Government.