Swatch of No Ground Marine Protected Area


Key Information

Marine Protected Area
South Bay of Bengal
1,504 km2 MARINE AREA
1,504 km2 TOTAL AREA i
Bangladesh Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock
At least one species- or gear-specific restriction applies (beyond permit requirements or generally applicable restrictions)

Boundary: Bangladesh Geonode Protected Areas (Unmodified)

World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) ID: 555587053

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To protect whales, dolphins, sea turtles, sharks, and other oceanic species.

Species of Concern: Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, bryde’s whale, spinner dolphin, spotted dolphin, rough-toothed dolphin, false killer whale

Regulations Summary


The following activities are prohibited:
1. Fishing in the EEZ during May 20 – July 23;
2. Establishing or undertaking any industrial operation;
3. Harvesting, destroying or collecting any plant;
4. Setting any kind of fire;
5. Entering a sanctuary with any weapon without permission;
6. Disturbing or threatening any wildlife;
7. Using chemicals, explosives or any other weapon or substances which may destroy wildlife habitat;
8. Introducing any exotic animal or plant;
9. Introducing any domestic animal or allow any domestic animal to stray;
10. Dumping any materials detrimental to wildlife;
11. Exploring or digging for extraction of minerals;
12. Felling any plant or part thereof except silvicultural operations required for natural regeneration of plants;
13. Diverting, stopping or polluting watercourse;
14. Introducing any alien and invasive plant species;
15. Entering or residing in a sanctuary;
16. Killing a whale or dolphin mentioned in Schedule I or bird or migratory bird mentioned in Schedule I and II of the Act;
17. Collecting, acquiring, purchasing, selling, or transporting any trophy, uncured trophy, meat, parts of the body of whale or dolphin mentioned in Schedule I or a bird or migratory bird mentioned in Schedule I and II of the Act;
18. Hunting any wild animal without a license or willfully picking, uprooting, destroying, or collecting any plant mentioned in Schedule IV of the Act;
19. Without a registration certificate, transferring any wild animal, meat, trophy or uncured trophy, part of wild animal or any plant or part or derivative thereof mentioned in schedule IV of the Act by means of gift, sale or transfer.


The following activities are allowed:
1. With permission, study or investigate wildlife, photography, research, and ecotourism;
2. Fish in the EEZ from Jul 24 to May 19.

Governing Regulations