Galapagos Marine Reserve


Key Information

Marine Reserve
123,244 km2 MARINE AREA
123,365 km2 TOTAL AREA i
Several species- or gear-specific restrictions apply, or:
  • Commercial marine life removal is prohibited
  • Both commercial and recreational marine life removal are heavily restricted
  • Recreational marine life removal is prohibited, and commercial marine life removal is restricted

Boundary: Ministerio del Ambiente y Agua (Unmodified)

World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) ID: 11753

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To protect one of the largest and most biodiverse marine reserves in the world, with an area of 133 thousand square kilometers. Its location makes for great ecological importance, as it is situated between marine currents with a mixture of cold and warm water, allowing for the establishment of numerous different species of the Pacific Ocean. This makes it an essential sanctuary habitat for marine species. In particular, the seamounts and surrounding oceanographic conditions create an abundance of plankton that sustain seabirds, whales, sharks, and other marine wildlife. Over 2,900 species in the marine reserve have been identified, with 25% of those species being endemic to the reserve.

Species of Concern: great hammerhead, whale shark, giant oceanic manta ray, Galápagos penguin, Galapagos cormorant, waved albatross, marine iguana, giant tortoises, Darwin's finches, Galapagos hawk, Galápagos sea lion, slate pencil urchin, sea cucumbers, tiger shark, green sea turtle, blue-footed booby, Galápagos fur seal

Regulations Summary


In the Galapagos Islands, in accordance with Article 62 of its Organic Law, the following is strictly prohibited:
1. The disposal of infectious, radioactive, nuclear toxic waste from any source;
2.The operation of industries that emit liquid, solid and gaseous pollutants that are difficult to treat or eliminate;
3. The permanence of scrap of major machinery, vehicles and boats in land areas and marine reserve areas;
4. The discharge or dumping of ballast residues from bilges, sewage, garbage or waste or any other contaminating element of the aquatic environment, that have not been properly treated, into crevices, aquifers, inland waters, marine reserves, coasts or areas of beaches;
5. The introduction of exogenous organisms to the islands, in accordance with the pertinent regulations;
6. The transport of animals, including domestic ones, from the mainland to the islands; and in the same way, of any species of fauna, flora and geological materials native to the islands to the mainland or abroad;
7. The transport between the islands of indigenous or introduced organisms, without the corresponding authorizations.

1. The following types of fishing gear is prohibited in the Galapagos Marine Reserve:
a) Fishing with explosives;
b) Fishing with chemicals (natural and synthetic);
c) Oceanic and drift nets;
d) Trammel, except for those defined by the diagnosis;
e) Underwater pistol (with harpoon, rubber band, compressed air or any other propulsion device).
2. It is prohibited to be a Galapagos artisanal angler without the necessary requirements.
3. Carrying out artisanal fishing without the necessary requirements is prohibited.
4. It is prohibited to be a Galápagos artisanal fishing owner without the necessary requirements.
5. It is prohibited to use artisanal fishing vessels in the Galápagos that do not meet the necessary requirements.
6. The following aquatic tourist activities are prohibited in the Galapagos Marine Reserve:
a) Water skiing;
b) Jet skiing in all its modalities;
c) Other uses of motorized devices that may cause environmental or aesthetic impact, as determined by the Participatory Management Board;
d) Tourist spear fishing or fishing from tourist boats.
7. The following scientific activities are prohibited:
a) In the case of bioprospecting studies, these will only be allowed if the impacts on the ecosystem are minimal and there are adequate guarantees and benefits according to the criteria of the Galapagos National Park;
b) Mining prospecting: Search for minerals for commercial exploitation;
c) Unethical manipulation or abuse of organisms;
d) Transplantation or change of species between islands;
e) Carrying out studies that imply unjustifiable ecological impacts in their scientific or practical value.
8. To authorize the realization of scientific collections with elements from the Galapagos Marine Reserve, authorization must be requested from the Directorate of the Galapagos National Park, which will approve it for the following purposes:
a) taxonomic identification,
b) education, or
c) research.


1. The following types of fishing gear is permitted in the Galapagos Marine Reserve:
a) Hook, tie or hand line;
b) Fishing with lure and bait;
c) Compressor, tank and free diving;
d) Artisanal nets:
i) Chinchorro or beach seine;
ii) Cast net or hand net;
iii) Artisanal seine net.
2. The following fishing gear permitted, subject to special regulations:
a) Longline;
b) Hawaiian rod;
c) Artisanal nets:
i) Trammel or Gill;
ii) Gillnets.
3. The following aquatic tourist activities are permitted in the Galapagos Marine Reserve:
a) Diving;
b) Swimming;
c) Snorkeling;
d) Kayaking;
e) Panga boat tours;
f) Hawaiian board (surfing);
g) Sailing sports;
h) Sport fishing.
4. The following scientific activities are permitted:
a) Research and monitoring of biological and socio-environmental processes;
b) Environmental measurements of physical, chemical and biological parameters;
c) Biotic and abiotic experimental management;
d) Collection and sampling;
e) Conservation.

Governing Regulations