

Key Information

Marine Protected Area
40 km2 TOTAL AREA i
Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development -Direction of community marine protected areas
Several species- or gear-specific restrictions apply, or:
  • Commercial marine life removal is prohibited
  • Both commercial and recreational marine life removal are heavily restricted
  • Recreational marine life removal is prohibited, and commercial marine life removal is restricted

Boundary: ProtectedSeas (Boundary Digitized Using Best Available Data)

World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) ID: 555629213

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To ensure sustainable management of fisheries and fish stocks and to preserve and conserve the country’s animal and plant biodiversity. This site, because of its mangrove ecosystem and its proximity to Saly, constitutes a driving force for the development of economic activities in the area.

Species of Concern: mangroves, molluscs

Regulations Summary


1. The following are strictly prohibited in the reserve:
a) To carry out any activity likely to disturb the ecological balance of ecosystems or which seriously disturbs aquatic and avian fauna.
b) The use of all destructive fishing gear tending to disrupt the balance of marine and coastal resources, in particular beach seines, longlines (Harmanding), monofilaments (Mbal Thiass), purse seines (filatourné) and driftnets (yolal) and towing gear (kili).
c) To take in any form whatsoever, immature fish, molluscs, and crustaceans of unmarketable sizes.
2. Underwater fishing and fishing with explosives are prohibited. Biological rest periods are established and fishing is prohibited during these periods.
3. It is strictly forbidden:
a) To hunt in the Somone Reserve.
b) To trap, capture and sell water birds and other birds protected by the texts in force for the Somone Reserve.
c) To capture and sell marine, land or sea turtles as well as specimens and trophies derived from them.
4. Jet skiing is prohibited. Any access of motorized vehicles, quads or other motorized vehicles is forbidden in the lagoon.
5. Any type of polluting is prohibited.
6. The cutting of mangroves or / and any other vegetation in the right-of-way of the Somone Reserve is strictly prohibited. Cutting, mutilation, uprooting; destruction of any other part of a protected plant species is also prohibited.
7. No dead or live wild animal, no remains, no trophy may be transported in the Somone Reserve, under possession by a private individual without express authorization: this authorization must be presented at any request of the Agents in charge of conservation.
8. It is established in the Somone Reserve, areas for seeding molluscs (Noah's Ark shells and oysters etc.) and oyster beds subject to periods of opening and closing for exploitation. It is forbidden to harvest in these areas, Noah's Ark shells and oysters during the closed period.
9. The following are strictly prohibited:
a) Collecting or destruction of eggs from birds and their nests.
b) Sampling of marine sand and shells on the beaches of the Somone Reserve.
c) Carrying out any public or private project in the Somone Reserve without the authorization of the administrative authority after a favorable opinion, from the management committee, based on an environmental impact study.
d) The search for archaeological remains without prior authorization from the competent authority.
10. Any action that could harm biodiversity, even temporarily, is prohibited except for scientific reasons and with special authorization from the administrative authority and under the control of officials in charge of the Somone Reserve.


Angling and sparrowhawk fishing may be permitted outside the biological rest period and may require a fishing permit.

Governing Regulations