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To claim sovereign rights and exclusive fishery management authority over all fish, and all Continental Shelf fishery resources. Under the international convention on the Law of the Sea, every nation's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) extends from to the 200 nautical mile line.
Species of Concern: multiple
Regulations Summary
The United Kingdom has sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources, whether living or non-living, of these waters. In accordance with the Trade Agreement between the EU and the UK the following guidelines apply:
1. Each Party shall decide on any measures applicable to its waters in pursuit of ensuring that fishing activities for shared stocks in their waters are environmentally sustainable in the long term and contribute to achieving economic and social benefits, while fully respecting the rights and obligations of independent coastal States as exercised by the Parties.
2. The Parties shall cooperate with a view to ensuring that fishing activities for shared stocks in their waters are environmentally sustainable in the long term and contribute to achieving economic and social benefits, while fully respecting the rights and obligations of independent coastal States as exercised by the Parties.
Fishing restrictions in the UK, such as bag limits, seasons, and size restrictions apply. Please consult the local fishing laws, some of which are referenced on this page, for more information. The following is a non-exhaustive list of restrictions that apply within the UK's EEZ:
1. Fishing: a)by any relevant British fishing boat wherever it may be; or b)by any Scottish fishing boat within relevant British fishery limits, with any trawl other than a single trawl is prohibited.
2. British fishing boats are prohibited from carrying or deploying a net, the mesh of which measures between 16 and 31 millimetres unless: a)netting, the mesh of which measures at least twice that of the codend and no more than 70 millimetres, is fitted across the entire cross-section of the net in such a way that: (i)fish cannot reach the codend without first passing through the netting; and (ii)there is a hole in the net through which all fish that do not pass through the netting are able to escape; (b)a rigid grid, the spacing between the bars of which is no more than 20 millimetres, is fitted across the entire cross-section of the net in such a way that — (i)fish cannot reach the codend without first passing through the grid; and (ii)there is a hole in the net through which all fish that do not pass through the grid are able to escape.
3. The killing, injuring or taking of seals is prohibited.
Certain activities, including fishing, are allowed in accordance with local laws.